Monday, September 12, 2011

A Cup of Realitea

"If we do not want to be a pawn in someones game, it is imperative that we begin to analyze where we get out knowledge from and how it is being constructed to manipulate us. It is only through the coming together of actual lived experiences and simulated cultural knowledge that we can begin to exercise our agency in making society a better place."

The hardest part of transitioning back to the south? Ignorance. Followed by humidity and a lack of Whole Foods Markets. Seriously though, I honestly cannot believe how backwards this place is. It's as if I've stepped into a time machine that focuses solely on social norms, ideologies, and reasoning. Most people readily defend their beliefs with "Because that's the way it is!" and honestly think it's sufficient. A large portion would be lost if you asked them to differentiate between the simple concepts of 'sex' and 'gender.' "Der de same tang!" Ohhhh so that's it, thanks Bobby Joe.

Not only is a general understanding of sexuality and sexual identity greatly lacking, but the majority of people down here still believe that people choose to be gay, straight, bisexual, queer, etc. As if someone would actually choose to be a second-class citizen and 'sign-up' for a club that only 'benefits' (this is when a sarcasm font would come in handy) its members by stripping them of rights, opportunities, and safety, but makes up for it by disseminating messages that tell them that they're not normal.

God, these people really need to get out more. Go buy a book or something. Like a dictionary. Or maybe just stop watching Fox news. Or maybe, just maybe, they could kindly set aside their religious texts and come up with some new arguments that aren't so dated. Or contradicting, for that matter.

My Favorite Comedian, Wanda Sykes

Wanda Sykes: Gay vs. Black

Ellen DeGeneres 

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